
Alma Quattro is one of the laureates who received the award “Belgrade Winner” for the outstanding performances and results in commerce. This annual award is sponsored by Belgrade Chamber of Commerce and is announced in different categories such as: Businessman of the Year, award for “Exceptional Merit In Development, Promotion and International Cooperation”, award for “Lifework”, special plaque for “Contribution and Promotion of Democracy, Rule of Law and Social Market Economy” as well as the special plaque assigned for the ”Winners of International Contest in Arbitration and International Commercial Law”.

The above mentioned awards have been released as a result of decision of the jury consisting of prominent businessman and state representatives.

The official ceremony was held in National Theatre in Belgrade, on 27th May 2013 year. Alma Quattro wants to acknowledge the support of all the competent commercial representatives who recognized our performance and contribution to the overall commercial market. This award gives us further obligation to pledge ourselves for better results and putting effort in maintaining high standards in our daily work.